Spic and span American adjective
Absolutely clean and well-ordered
She always keeps her house spic and span.
Fresh and brand new
Peter just got himself a spic and span car.
1. Make the inside of something clean or tidy
2. Spend so much money on something that one now has very little left
3. Take or use all the resource or money that a person or organization has
4. Remove parts or people to improve a group or organization
Very clean
Used to describe something completely new
This phrase is very old and the original version of it was "spick-and-span-new". This phrase appeared in Sir Thomas North's translation of Plutarch's Lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes, 1579:
"They were all in goodly gilt armours, and brave purple cassocks apon them, spicke, and spanne newe."
To write something
Yesterday, he put pen to paper and replied to all letters from his fans.